Try acupuncture, massage, or a Qigong moving meditation class in Chelsea & Midtown West, NYC for natural pain relief & stress management.
Jennifer Oh Acupuncture
Breast Cancer Prevention, Tamoxifen Side Effects, and Post-Chemo and Radiation
Numerous research studies have shown that acupuncture and Qigong can greatly reduce side-effects from chemotherapy and radiation treatment, as well as tamoxifen or other hormone therapies used to prevent recurrence. Chinese medicine also offers women much practical wisdom on how to holistically prevent breast cancer and recurrence after treatment.
Treatment package for breast cancer recurrence prevention and hormone therapy side effects includes book, Qigong DVD, diet plan, and optional supplements.
How can you practice true prevention, using acupuncture, Qigong, herbs, and changing your lifestyle? Check out this Youtube explaining what you can do to prevent breast cancer development.
An amazing nonprofit website created by our spiritual teacher, Grand Master Lu, with tons of resources on breast cancer treatment and prevention: